Join our community of changemakers designing meaningful solutions for good, together.
A Good Space is a community of curious, passionate and caring humans wanting to create positive change – from migrant workers to mental health; climate change to rental flat communities. You’ll get to meet advocates, social entrepreneurs, community builders and future leaders, nourishing and caring for each other, as we journey together to create a Singapore that works for everyone.
Changemaking doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. We offer and ask for help from each other when we run into obstacles or when we are stuck.
Whether it’s asking for volunteers or offering help to edit a website, our members tap on the rich perspectives and experiences in the community to help each other design more meaningful and impactful changemaking projects.
We are passionate humans with diverse talents, skills and networks
From raising $1.12 million to be disbursed to 766 families falling through the cracks during COVID-19 to organizing a 30-day soup kitchen that distributed 100 free bowls of soup to anyone who needed it, we can unlock new possibilities when we work together than working alone.
From web design to community building, organising film festivals to coordinating deliveries, playback theatre to marine conservation, our members have a wealth of wisdom, connections and talents.
As a collective, we organise learning circles for members to share and train each other on skills that are helpful for us in our various social impact initiatives, such as systems thinking, storytelling, social impact measurement, copywriting, etc.
Members own shares in the co-operative and contribute by playing these roles to help the co-operative thrive.
Once a Year
Elect the Committee of Management and vote on key issues to shape the strategic direction of the co-op at the Annual General Meeting.
Once a Month
Join our monthly meetings to connect with other members, hear their ideas, share yours and watch as the magic happens!
Refer members to people who can help, tell funders about their projects or ask for help you need to support your social change project!
Members own shares in the co-operative and contribute by playing these roles to help the co-operative thrive.
Indicate your interest by completing our short application form
Two members from our Committee of Management will arrange for a short 45-minute chat to get to know you better
Complete member application form and purchase at least 100 shares ($10 per share). You’ll receive a shares certificate and officially become a member of the co-operative!
Click on the button below to get in touch with us
Have a question that’s not listed here? Send us an email at:
A Good Space is Singapore’s first co-operative of changemakers. It has 3 purposes: (i) Facilitate diverse changemakers who care about various communities to share resources and collaborate on projects, (ii) organize changemakers to charge at complex issues and (iii) Develop students and employees to use their skills and resources to create social change
We currently have 32 members who cover 15 social issues & communities; and they come from all walks of life, from ordinary citizens to ground-up groups to social enterprises to charities.
If you’d like to read our founding story, please visit:
In short, a co-operative is a business with a strong social mission that is owned by its members. We decided to register as a co-operative because we believed that when members work together, we can unlock new possibilities that can help overcome the challenges we each face. Also, there was something romantic for us in breaking new grounds for changemakers to co-own a co-operative that is creating the Singapore of our dreams, together. Here’s a link to a more elegant definition of co-operatives, by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Singapore.
As a member, you’ll own shares in the co-operative and have certain rights. Some of those rights include: one vote on key issues of the co-op, receiving dividends in the event of a financial surplus, amongst others. For a more detailed look at your rights as a member, please read our co-operative’s by-laws here (mainly Section 4 on membership):
For a fruitful and enjoyable experience, we recommend that all members participate in our monthly meetings, build friendships with other members and kickstart projects together!
Thank you for contributing to our society in so many different ways! Membership at A Good Space is tagged to individuals and not projects, so feel free to bring the many hats you wear into our community.
Under the Co-operative Societies Act, only individuals, trade unions, and other co-operatives can be members of a co-operative. Organisations can still apply for membership at A Good Space by nominating an individual to represent them. The membership, and shares held, will be in this individual’s name. Should the individual leave the organisation, their membership and shares owned would have to be transferred to the next representative of the organisation.
We would like to make membership accessible to everyone, because we believe that when everyone has unique gifts, resources and strengths that they can bring to create a better Singapore. If you require financial assistance to purchase shares, please write in to our General Manager Vincent at so that we can explore how to best support you.
Our team will review your responses to our form. If we feel you could be a good fit for our community and the culture we are trying to nurture, two members of our Committee of Management (COM) will arrange a chat to learn more about your story, projects, and gifts. After that, if we both feel that we can journey together, we’d invite you to complete our membership form to officially join our community as a member.
Fret not! Please write in to Vincent at and we’ll connect with you from there.
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