
Our Social Impact

Our Annual Report for Financial Year 2022 / 2023

This Impact Report contains the stories, milestones and highlights that our community experienced in Financial year 2022 / 2024 (1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023). Our third year of operating as a co-op as we transitioned into a volunteer-run coop.

Our Annual Report for Financial Year 2021 / 2022

This Impact Report contains the stories, milestones and highlights that our community experienced in Financial year 2021 / 2022 (1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022). Our second year of operating as a co-op brought new questions, struggles and triumphs.

We hope you’d enjoy reading them and invite you to consider the thought: what might Singapore look like if every citizen is a changemaker?

Our Annual Report for Financial Year 2020 / 2021

This Impact Report contains key milestones of our journey in our first ever Financial Year 2020 / 2021 (1 April 2020 – 30 June 2021) and the stories of courage, resilience and humanity that members of our community displayed, in one of the most difficult years in recent history.

We hope you’d enjoy reading about them and feel excited by the initial glimpses of the possibilities we can create as a collective changemaking force for Singapore, this home we cherish and love.

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